I don't often think of it this way. When I read the words of Scripture, it rarely crosses my mind. These words were written by people - persons moved by God to put ink to parchment for others to read (2 Peter 1:20-21). So, this morning, I spoke with God but I listened to Job, Moses, David, Solomon, and Jesus. Now, if I was having coffee at the local coffee shop with my buddies -especially wiser and older friends, I would take to heart what they said in the spirit in which they said it.
I just listened to these great men of old and the Son of God! I don't consider it strange to take what they say to heart and consider it from God - God's advice to me. I'm struck how clear and how special it is to have these great mentors at my fingertips each and every day.
This realization encourages me to memorize Scripture and keep reading it, mulling it over, letting it filter through my mind. It encourages me to speak with confidence those words from Scripture as the Spirit leads in my conversation with others. "An encouraging Word" - a better one there never was.
It encourages me to support by any means I can those who distribute Bibles. The Gideons, Voice of the Martyrs, Paul Stege Ministries, Samaritan's Purse/Operation Christmas Child, to name ones I'm familiar with.
It also encourages me to recognize how God moves among his people and raises up those in every generation who earnestly seek him and desire to follow him wholly, proclaiming, discipling, and living the Christ-filled life.
I want to get into that line this morning. Lord, cleanse my heart, tune it to Your Spirit's voice. Lead me in the Way Everlasting. Amen.