Sunday, February 11, 2024


Child abuse happens for all kinds of "reasons."  I thank the LORD for perceptive and compassionate people who reach out to the little ones, of whom Jesus is so fond. 

(new Link)   They are ALL equal

The movie, The Sound of Freedom is a gripping portrayal of rescue from the underworld of child trafficking. 

The heartwrenching sadness rushes in like a flood when I view videos of infants and young children being thrown over the southern border wall, abandoned to face a life barely known to most of us. 

I suppose it will never stop until Jesus comes. But what can we do to curtail the abuse of children? It cannot be limited to sending money. I must model and promote childhood value by the way I live, interact with parents and families and my own grandchildren. 

Lord, help me to seek to live out your words, "suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven."    Amen.