I will excerpt a portion of the reading to illustrate the eerie resemblance to what seems to be going on in today's media world, social media, and leadership. . . and perhaps in my own life.
The color-coding, and emphases are mine...
After much discussion, debate, and research, the Oxford Dictionaries word of the year for 2016 was post-truth. It had shown a 2000% increase in usage during the year, spiking during the Brexit and US Presidential debates. In a ‘post-truth’ era, objective facts appear less influential than appeals to emotion. There is a tolerance for dishonest, inaccurate allegations and outright denial of facts. Blatant lies become routine.
But if you buy a car, you want to know the truth about that car. In a relationship, you want to know the truth. We hunger for honesty and truth.
We see in our passages for today that God hates lies and deception. David says, ‘People all lie to their neighbours; their flattering lips speak with deception’ (Psalm 12:2). Jesus quoted Isaiah, ‘These people honour me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me’ (Matthew 15:8). Although Joseph’s brothers had deceived their father about the fate of Joseph (Genesis 37:31–35), they knew in their hearts that they could not deceive God: ‘Surely we are being punished because of our brother’ (42:21).
God wants you to be honest with him. He likes candour. He wants to hear what is on your heart today.
See Psalm 12:1-8
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Francis Schaffer's Title comes immediately to mind - "How Should We Then Live?"
Given our current state of affairs in our news media, our social media, and in our daily interactions, how SHOULD we live??
My hunch is people yearn for truthful lives and trustworthy relationships. When our closest connections seem to be dishonest, we shy away and isolate ourselves. The bumper sticker, "Trust No One" belies the hurt and the history of the one behind the wheel. Disappointment creates mistrust ... and hardened hearts.
Today, I am going to ponder a means of breaking through the mistrust, the emotion-laden post-truth culture, to communicate on a reliable level in words, deeds, and plans.
Won't you join me?!